Deadman’s Cove

Made a fun little escape to Cape Disappointment/Dead Man's Cove Friday night. Got to take some landscape photos and a surprise wedding proposal impromptu shoot.

I was setting up to take some photo's and some guy was down on the beach kicking a soccer ball and had a little table and pillows set up... I figured I'd edit him out in post. Then I got down closer to the beach and 2 girls showed up and one started asking me if I was the Photographer.

I said “I don't think so!....”

She said.."Oh, he's proposing to her right now, can you take some photos?"....

"Sure” I said, “I'm set up for some landscapes, but I can try"

Pictures turned out great and captured some good ones of the cove to boot. Overall…Sucessful trip


Restoring old photos


Zoo Trip