Where have I been?

Well, since my page renewed, I will try to keep up on some little blogs.  I haven’t been out much to take photos these last few months.  At the end of October I developed Tinnitus in both ears and it was horrible to say the least.  For about a month, the ringing in my ears was so bad and causing a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. I didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything. Hence no photo trips   Well, It is now March and it has calmed down, but it is still there with a slight high pitched buzz continuously buzzing.  But I am dealing with it and it is getting better…..

The other thing is I developed a cataract in my left eye and cannot see out of it at all, which in turn makes it difficult to drive anywhere.  But…at the end of April I should have it corrected and hopefully get a bionic eye (At least in my head that is what I am hoping for)


OK, now for some pics….  I actually went on vacation to Maui in August and took a few photos.  I never posted them to Instagram at the time due to the sensitivity of the disaster that happened there.  We were there the day of the fires and were fortunate to get out that day.  But it was a tense adventure to say the least….


I hope by the beginning of May I’ll get out and present some new pictures for you.  In fact, I am working on a mini 4x6 gallery in my dining room of all my favorite phtos.  I am purposely leaving blank spots to fill on my 2024 adventures


Quick Trip to the Coast