Quick Trip to the Coast

I saw the weather was gonna be nice going to the coast, well it was when I booked the room. My Cousin came over and we headed out.

My plan was to head up to Ecola State Park and try and get some seascapes at sunset. We were staying in Seaside and brought Ginger out for some photos and it looked promising as you can see by the Doggy shoot!

Well,  we get to Ecola, and man, Oregon has some finicky weather as you can see below.  Decided not to get too discouraged and took some moody pics of some trees that were around and along the pathway, and also scouted out where I could get some cool shots when the sunset is there…

Next morning the weather was a bit better (Not much) so I decided to go out to see the Peter Iredale and wanted to try some long exposure shots and some really shallow depth of field shots with some exposure bracketing.  Just trying different things and got some decent shots.  So the trip wasn’t a waste and was fun getting out


Where have I been?


Graduation Photos